Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fun in the Sun

I spotted this girl in the top of this tree while mushroom picking last month,

    I have had a good week so far and just wanted to tell you. I have been on the water either in my kayak or in my canoe all but one day this week so far and have caught something each time out. Not only has the catching been fun but I have been able to spend some "quality time" with my family and a good friend in the past week. Its amazing some of the beautiful creatures I get to see when I'm out alone.
A medium sized moss back snapper
I was able to float up to within 30 feet of this blue heron
before it flew off
     OK, the porcupine was not from this past week, but I wanted to show you what different animals I come across in my outings. I've been trying to find her for a couple years now but I'll save the reasons for another time.

    The Snapping Turtle was one of four I saw on the road to the lake I fished this morning, they are an interesting animal and when cooked right can be very tasty. Blue herons are amazingly pretty when you get close enough to see the different feather styles they have, some look almost like a mane or a long scarf.

   I was finally able to hook up on a Northern Pike, a delicacy to some of us Northern Michigan folks but not to all. The Pike has to be one of my favorite fish to catch next to my new found favorite the Steelhead. Pike are extremely aggressive and are found in most lakes in my area. A very worthy adversary for the fly rod and top water is a literal explosion of fun. I tied a top water fly specifically to target pike and landed one and had another grab for it but I was unable to hook it.
Pike's Pepto is the name of my top water gurgler

The beginning of a good pan fish dinner
   I also caught my first Small Mouth Bass yesterday along with a handful of Blue Gill and other various pan fish. All very fun on my 4wt fly rod.

    Thanks for stopping by,

                                    Coyote Luke


  1. Luke changes things up! Lookin' good! And I was expexpecting to see a girl in a tree...silly me! ; )

  2. haha, just wait until the full article about Porcupines comes out, then you'll get the idea. :)

  3. Don't ever type comments from a smartphone! Ha
